Friday, March 28, 2014

Statement from the Libertarian party on Common Core and education:

As a number of state governments struggle with Common Core education rules, the Libertarian Party (LP) cites Common Core as a reason to get government out of education.

Libertarian Party Executive Director Wes Benedict commented, "Since Democrat Barack Obama took office, some conservatives have switched positions on Common Core. But conservatives were for it before they were against it. Republican George W. Bush paved the way with No Child Left Behind, and he helped double the budget of the federal Department of Education. Common Core was created by the bipartisan National Governors Association."

Benedict continued, "Republicans like Chris Christie and Jeb Bush have not flip-flopped, however. They still support Common Core."

Benedict continued, "Common Core is one more reason why government should not be involved in education. Government programs generally grow more centralized, bureaucratic, and one-size-fits-all. As the Cato Institute's Neal McCluskey said, Common Core 'treats students like soulless widgets.'"

Earlier this year, libertarian commentator John Stossel pointed out, "Common Core, like public school, public housing, the U.S. Postal Service, the Transportation Security Administration, etc., are all one-size-fits-all government monopolies. For consumers, this is not a good thing."

Full statement

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