Saturday, March 29, 2014

Small business folding because it can't afford higher minimum wage, Obamacare costs

"Waterford-based Yankee One Dollar stores will be gone within the next five months, as the regional retail chain launches a going-out-of-business sale.
The retailer, which began operating in the early 1990s, has cut the price of its items to 75 cents each, with many items priced at two for 75 cents or even three for 75 cents.
Owner Keith Flike couldn't be reached for comment Friday, but he told the Glens Falls Post Star this year that rising costs, including a hike in the state's minimum wage and the Affordable Care Act, were to blame. Each store has six to 10 employees, according to the story."
Image and quote from the Times Union

Another local small business going under because it cannot afford the increased cost of government meddling.  It's ok though, because WalMart is big enough it can, and will save us by snatching up stores...yea, that makes me feel better.  Regulation, minimum wage, and government meddling are not the friends of the people, or of small business, but of corporate interests.  Where would you rather shop, a big box store, or a local store where the money goes back into the local economy?  Small business is being killed off, and yet we sit back and watch it happen, content that the government will take care of us, convinced that the free market is a scary place, free enterprise between individuals must be controlled by our betters. I guess we deserve it after all, we as a people put the likes of Obama and Cuomo in power.

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