Monday, March 24, 2014

But we don't have royalty....

"Michelle Obama and three of her family members are staying in a $8,350-per-night Beijing presidential suite, but despite a 24-hour butler and other perks that come with the lodging, her entourage has inconvenienced 'pretty much everyone' and made the hotel staff 'fed up,' a well-placed hotel staffer has told MailOnline." 

(Image from

We don't have royalty here in the States...sure, ok...nope, we just have a presidential family on a "cultural tour" that, forget the other costs of the tour, the hotel room alone is over a third of my annual income for one, it thrills me to know that I am busting my ass to barely scrape by, and have the President tell me that maybe I need to cut my cell phone bill to afford his new boondoggle mandate, knowing that this is going on.

Hey Obama, don't tell me how to prioritize my income, just let me have my income, stop stealing from my pocket to pay for nonsense!

But we don't have royalty here....

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