Thursday, March 27, 2014

2014 Governor's race: Howie Hawkins

Howie Hawkins

Green party

2010 Candidate for governor

active in the anti-aparthied divestment movement in the 1970's and 80's

Socialist party member

2005 candidate for Syracuse mayor

wants a $15 minimum wage

wants education available in all prisons:

In that same article, he also states he wants to end the practice of SUNY using criminal history to screen applicants

he also states he wants to reduce the prison population and reduce prisons in NY, and is a proponent of ending the failed war on drugs:

“We need to reduce the number of prisoners in New York. The biggest reform to do that would be to end the war on drugs that has targeted community of color and resulted in people of color comprising three-quarters of the prison population. Drug abuse should be treated as a medical problem, not a criminal problem. Drug treatment on demand should be part of a public single-payer health plan providing full medical services to all New Yorkers. Drugs should be legalized, regulated, and taxed, starting with marijuana,” Hawkins said.

On taxes:

"A better way to cut property taxes would be for the state to pay for its mandates and let us, through our local governments, decide how much to cut property taxes and how much to fund our schools and services,"


Interesting guy, I rather like his take on property taxes, but overall to far left for my tastes

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