Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Late Nat'l Ag Day post

Bit slow on this post I know, I meant to post this at work earlier, but was using my shiny new tablet and couldn't figure out how to embed the youtube clip...anyways, if you like eating, thank a farmer, and, on a personal note, thanks Dad! I'm incredibly grateful to have grown up on a farm, and love living in a farming community.  It seems on many days that the ag industry in Upstate NY is struggling, it's sad to see empty farms that used to be vibrant.

To all those who stick it out, who get up before the sun, who fight with frozen manure spreaders in subzero temps, who unload hay in 90+ humidity, who fix fence in the mud and chase the heifers that got out again....

Thank you!

Thanks to my facebook friend and area farmer Cindy for sharing the above video!


On a closing note, check out one of my favorite ag bloggers, she does an excellent job sharing life on the farm, I think whether you have a farm background or not, you will enjoy her blog, and might learn something too, or if nothing else at least go "aww" at the cute baby calves

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