Monday, March 24, 2014

plug for a friend

This post is a plug for a friend of mine going on a mission trip to Africa this summer:

"From July 21 to August 9, I will be teaching 600-900 pastors in conferences in Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania, East Africa. Total cost of the trip will be $5000, about half of which will subsidize the expenses of the pastors, who otherwise would not be able to attend."

His facebook for the trip

His facebook page

and, if you don't want to or can't support his trip, here's his blog anyways, check it out.

He is a good friend of mine (well, father of one of my best friends, that counts, right? sure it does!) and this is my way of tossing him some support, since, honestly, I can barely afford gas to get to work some days...

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