Thursday, March 27, 2014

2014 NYS Governor's race: Richard Cooper

Richard Cooper, Libertarian party

Former state chair of the Libertarian party

Strong opponent of eminent domain abuses, including an (unsuccessful) campaign to save St. Luke's Pentecostal Church in New Cassel, Long Island.

He would end the corrupt Empire State Development Corporation

He favors repealing the SAFE act, and goes even further, advocating repeal of the sullivan act

He proposes having the board of Regents appointed by the governor, this to me, while I understand his intent, has problems in and of itself.  We see how easy it is in NY to fire a governor we don't like.  Perhaps make it elected positions, but regional, rather than statewide, to allow for more local control.

He opposes Common Core, and has some interesting ideas about election reform

All in all, some interesting ideas, I'd be interested to see him in a debate with Coumo and Astorino, but, well, that probably won't happen, and thats a shame


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