Thursday, March 27, 2014

2014 Governor's race: Chris Edes

Chris Edes, Libertarian Party

State chair in 2009

Founder and chair of the Greater Rochester Libertarian party

Candidate for Senator in 2012

His site is not entirely clear on all of his ideas, other than that he has ideas.

Some he does mention:
 ending corporate welfare
 cutting personal income taxes in half, ending the use tax
 dropping the drinking age to 18: "If young adults can be trusted to fight and die in combat, they can be trusted to drink responsibly."

 He also states
"Fraud should be prosecuted as it is an act of aggression. When fraudulent actions threaten the stability of the free market, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Exceptions cannot be made for persons or corporate entities which have political influence or are “too big to fail”. The only thing we should consider “too big to fail” is the American people.
If the federal government will not hold Wall Street accountable, then New York State must do so."

Interview from his 2012 Senate campaign, I include it because it gives pretty good insight into his views, he seems very articulate and knowledgeable.

Personally, of the 3 Libertarians running, I like him the best, they are all 3 interesting, but my personal choice of the 3 is this guy.

Speaking of the 2012 race, his campaign raised around $2000, and spent around $700 of that, and he still managed 28,000 votes.  For a third party candidate, thats saying something.

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