Monday, July 21, 2008

First post

yep, but there will be more! here basically where I see this blog going, I'm into a bit of everything, I'm a linux geek, all three of my computers run on linux (2 desktops, Debian, 1 laptop, Ubuntu) I'm currently running a small organic dairy farm with my dad, I'm obsessed with politics and history, as well as mythology and religion/theology. I've got this and that going on, who knows what the future holds. I'm thinking for blog constants we'll go with a pic/website/news story of the week, on say..Friday? sure..friday, and a thought for the week on...oh let's say Sunday, and intersperse that with my in between hamster musings as the hamster deems to do so. for the moment, go on and leave any ideas you might have, nifty ideas you may have, food for the hamster, etc etc...I'll be back shortly

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