Monday, March 24, 2014

LCMS President Rev. Harrison on Hobby Lobby case

"You’re tired of hearing about Hobby Lobby and the Supreme Court, tired of all the talk of fines and health-care plans and reproductive rights, tired of being bombarded with words spoken in anger from both sides of the aisle. You want to put your fingers in your ears, switch the channel, and wait for the ruling and the rest of it to just go away.

But even though you are tired, even though you’ve grown weary of having the same discussions about the same points, Hobby Lobby and fines and health-care plans still matter. They matter because your country – the United States of America – was founded on the principle that you were born with certain rights: the rights to seek and follow truth, to live according to your beliefs, to worship freely.

And no one, not even the government, gets to tell you how to do that."

Why tomorrow’s Supreme Court Hearing Matters

Excellent and true words from Rev. Harrison.   This isn't a matter of whether or not birth control and such should be available, this goes beyond that, whether or not an employer can be forced to provide something they find morally wrong.  Even if you are completely in favor with and see nothing wrong with birth control and morning after pills, I do hope you have an issue with forcing someone to do something they find morally wrong. 

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