Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Local Community spot

Thinking about starting to do some videos, maybe once a month, profiling some local community members and leaders. So this post is mainly directed at the locals, what do you want to learn about your community?  To the greater world, what's something you'd want to see about small town life?  I have some ideas, but looking for thoughts here.  I hate being on camera, but theres alot of knowledge and local history all around us, and I feel it would be cool to record some of it. So hit me up with your thoughts, on here, twitter or facebook.  Who would you like to see, what about our local history or local people would you like to know more about? Or, if you aren't a local, what's something about rural America you want to know more about?

I'm thinking I'll start with what I know, farms, fire department, church, since this would be about profiling the world around us and learning new things, I want to know what you want to know.

UPDATE: Looks like the first spot will be on a local with an interesting hobby; falconry. Many of you are probably familiar with hunting, but this is a different form. Whats something you've wanted to know about it?
I'll be honest I don't know much on the topic, so I'll be learning to. Post your questions and I'll try to include them!

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