Wednesday, October 12, 2016

name change, new focus, I'm back

Hi folks! You might notice I'm changing a few things, and I'm back at it. First, the name change, my last foray into this was pretty unfocused, the very name included distraction. The new name, Brass, Dirt, n Freedom, I was trying to go for something that references where I'm coming from and what I'll be talking about, namely politics and some other stuff, mostly local issues, from the perspective of a veteran, a farmer, and a Libertarian.
A few things, first, I'll do my best not to post or share clickbait nonsense, it bugs me, so I won't do it to you
second, I'll do my best to avoid kneejerk posts and shares, we all do it, but opinion or not, accuracy is better than emotion
third, this isn't intended to be a news source, but commentary and opinion. I won't promise the groundbreaking news stories, but will do my best to give some relevant accurate commentary on things as they develop.
fourth, if you notice an error in anything I post, I welcome your input. If you disagree, I welcome discussion, that's the point here, open discussion of ideas. I welcome input from all, and won't delete or ban differing or opposing views. I will not tolerate disrespectful, rude, or insulting language. Be nice, to everyone. Sarcasm is encouraged.
I'll be working on changing this page and the blog over to the new name and focus. I'm not going to delete the older stuff, it's still there if you want to check it, but I'm going to be more focused specifically on the type of commentary I mentioned above.
I'm not going to promise a regular posting routine because life happens, but I'm going to do my best to do regular updates
And finally, I make no claim on being objective, this is an opinion page. I do promise to always do my best to make my biases clear.
All that said, hello again, I'm back!

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