Thursday, October 13, 2016

New York Senate Race

Let's not forget that along with all the madness of this years presidential circus election, there are other elections as well, including for one of NY's senators.

(side note, if you google search "my ballot" and put in your address, it brings up an unofficial display of federal, state, and local candidates and ballot issues you will see when you go vote)

On the ballot this year are:

Wendy Long (Republican, Reform, Conservative)
Charles Schumer (Democrat, Independence, Working Families,Women's Equality)
Alex Merced (Libertarian)

While I do encourage you to research the candidates running, I myself will likely be voting for Alex Merced. I've been following him on Facebook for a while now, and while we do not agree on everything, we agree on what matters most (in my view anyway...) that individuals, not government, should be free to live life as they see fit. I found much I agreed with in his policy platform, including a peaceful non-interventionist foreign policy, allowing the free market to function and address issues,immigration reform, and so forth. I firmly believe that on the federal level, a constitutionalist/libertarian approach, favoring individual freedom, states rights, and the free market, are a winning combination. I can think of very few issues I have supported Chuck Schumer on, and Wendy Long, well, she resoundingly lost to Gillibrand, and has heartily endorsed Trump...not reluctantly or towing the party line kinda endorsed...heartily

So, with all that in mind, I won't be voting for the corrupt Schumer or for the trumpkin Long, I'll vote for a voice of liberty in the senate. 

I will also say that Robin Wilson has some interesting things to say, and I encourage you to check her out. I will not be supporting her or the Green party, as I tend to believe that free market solutions are a better answer than state mandates. However, she is well worth a look, and is certainly a better choice than Schumer or Long. I would argue that the people of NY state would be far better served were she and Alex the "major" candidates in contention.

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