Thursday, October 13, 2016

Why am I voting for Gary Johnson?

It's easy to post about what is wrong with a candidate, to point out problems. It's easy to be cynical and negative about "the worst choices in history". But there is hope, there's another way, with a plausible, albeit longshot, chance of taking it all. Aside from that, there are other benefits.

The long game
If a third party gets above 5% of the popular vote, that party gets federal party status, the last time this happened was Ross Perot's Reform Party, and the momentum fizzled away pretty quickly due to infighting and party politics, among other issues. The potential is building for another strong third party, a solid challenge to the stagnate and corrupt two parties. Even if you don't agree with everything Johnson has to say or stands for, I encourage you to look at the LP platform. He has announced that he won't run again. So, maybe you distrust Clinton, and you distrust Trump, you're sick of hoping that this is the election where we turn things around and being let down by more of the same. You can't vote for either of "them". Maybe you've looked at Johnson, maybe you like the libertarian message but you have an issue with a particular stance of Johnson and/or Weld. Consider this, let's be honest here, statistically, it is pretty likely that one of the terrible two is probably going to win. I know, this sucks, and some of you are giving into the fear and the lesser of two evil mantra that happens every...single...election....but consider this. Say Johnson gets 10% (this is a conservative prediction, it's very likely he could place even higher, and even net some electoral votes...) but anything above 5% is historic. It lays a solid foundation to build on for elections to come. It's been a slow battle to get here, but we are here. It's also a safe bet that Austin Peterson may well smooth up some of his rough spots, and be the 2020 nominee. Think of what a third party can do if it doesn't have to battle for ballot access, the LP obtained ballot access in all 50 states this year, that is a major feat, now take all that energy, all that funding, and imagine where it can go if the party isn't fighting nonsense lawsuits just to be on the ballot! A vote for Johnson is a vote for a strong third party, a vote against the corruption and games of the two parties.

Now, of course, you can't just vote for a party, I often argue vote the man, not the party. So even as a registered Libertarian, I wouldn't vote on the above alone, and I won't ask it of you. So, what sets the Johnson/Weld ticket apart?

Constitutional issues and civil liberties
As I and many others have discussed, both Clinton and Trump are, well, awful on the constitution. There's no argument that Clinton would appoint activist judges, expand the federal government, and trample on constitutional rights. There's also no argument, if you're paying attention, that Trump is just as terrible. So what's a voter to do? Vote for one to stop the other? Some of you may well have decided that direction, and if you have, well, that's your right. But if you, like me, are fed up with the constitution being treated as an afterthought or an inconvenience, Johnson is your man. Now, you might be going "I heard Weld said some really stupid stuff about guns?!" Yea, he did, and conservative libertarians such as myself collectively winced and facepalmed. He's since clarified his position.
"I am a lifelong hunter and gun owner. In 1993, as Governor of Massachusetts, I went along with modest restrictions on firearms. Governing involves tough choices. Today, I would make different choices. Restricting gun rights doesn't make us safer, and threatens our constitutional freedoms. I support the Supreme Court's decision in the District of Columbia vs. Heller -- a decision that embraced the notion that Second Amendment rights are individual rights, not to be abridged by the government."
 I'll be honest, were he the nominee and not the VP, it wouldn't be enough. But Johnson has a much more reliable stance on 2A positions, as well as a solid view of constitutional issues as a whole, with a proven, consistent history of being a strict constitutionalist.

Gary Johnson was a two term governor of a border state, and has a common sense approach to reform our broken immigration system, without the fear tactics. Here's his view, from his own mouth:

Tax Reform

Johnson would redo our broken tax system from the ground up, simplifying the tax code, removing loop holes, and ultimately, replacing the flawed income tax system with a consumption tax. There are some valid concerns about how such a system would impact lower income people, but a prebate would be built in, not to mention the beneficial impacts of overall lower taxes, the boost to the economy, and meaningful tax reform combined with getting federal spending under control and actually reducing the debt. Taxes and reform is a complicated area, as it's more than just "cutting taxes". The entire system is flawed and needs to be retooled, removing programs that shouldn't be handled on the federal level and reducing overall spending. This is an issue tied in with many others, and Johnson is the only one with a history of balancing budgets, reducing spending, and successfully reforming taxes, reducing spending, and sound fiscal policy.

Foreign Policy
Clinton would continue the failed interventionist policies we have been trying for decades, the same meddling approaches that created the very problems we are reaping now. Trump's foreign policy is inconsistent and all over the place. Johnson has a sound approach, based on economic factors, working with our allies, seeking diplomatic solutions, and reducing our overseas footprint while actually focusing on what will really keep our nation safe and secure. Here is an excellent overview of where he stands on foreign policy issues.

Now, I know some of you are asking, "what's this I've heard about him and Aleppo?" Basically, in case you aren't aware, he was asked in an interview what he would do about Aleppo. He asked for clarification, and then gave a solid answer about how he would handle Syria and the refugee issues. But the focus seems to be on him seeking clarification rather than his answer. Personally, I would much prefer a leader who clarifies a question he doesn't understand rather than blustering his way through it. Do your own research on it for sure, but overall, I think his foreign policy remains one to be considered, and not dismissed over not immediately recognizing a place most Americans had to google. I also feel that he gave a reasonable response, admitted his mistake and explained himself well

 Veterans issues
This is an issue that I will actually say I respect Trump on, but Johnson also has a strong view on this. He is leading in polls of military voters, has strongly stated that he will honor promises made to vets, will reform the VA and improve mental health treatment options. As a vet, I am pleased to see his solid stances on veterans issues, and that, in his words, we have a "moral contract" with all who have served. Also, Johnson is the only candidate I have seen do 22 pushups.

A highlight of my visit to Cleveland was joining Griff Jenkins of Fox News to do some pushups to raise awareness of suicide among our veterans. Proud to do it!
Posted by Gary Johnson on Friday, July 22, 2016
The final specific issue I am going to mention here is abortion. I know for many christian voters, this is a sticking point. Many have told me they will vote for Trump on this issue alone. However, Trump has been a longtime supporter of pro choice causes, including planned parenthood. He may have changed his stances recently, but if we judge by the fruit, it is not dependable. I submit that, when you get to the substance of the issue, Johnson is the most pro life. He opposes late term abortions. He supported parental notification and required counseling as governor. He believes that birth control should be a market decision, not mandated by the government, ie, he would not mandate insurance companies provide it, or that employers provide it in their coverage against their beliefs. Also, as a strict constitutionalist, he would not overstep federal bounds on 10th amendment issues, meaning he would respect state decisions. I understand he isn't the dream candidate for a pro life voter, but he is a consistently pro limited government candidate, which means that you are free to pursue pro life laws in your state, as it should be, and the federal government shouldn't be involved. This is a far better stance than Clinton, and a more reliable stance than Trump.

If you would like to check out more of his positions and stances, I encourage you to google Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party, and further research. I won't tell you who to vote for, only who I support and why. Also, here is the issues page from Johnson's website. I'll post more here and there, both on here and my facebook page. Another excellent source is if your looking to find news from a liberty minded perspective, and if you want to further explore the general concepts of liberty as a whole.

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