Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Donald Trump and term limits

So the Donald has apparently decided to push for term limits. Now, I'm not going to criticize that in itself, I agree that we have far to many in congress who treat it as a career rather than a public service, and term limits would help address that. Ideally, people would stop voting for corrupt incumbents, but that doesn't really seem to happen.

No, my issue with Trump is, as usual, his inconsistency.

And, according to a December 2015 post from, while many of his at the time opponents in the GOP primaries were strong supporters, or supported term limits, Trump took no stance, Suddenly, he now favors the idea like it was his wonderful plan to pander favor from gullible voters with short memories. But like so many other sudden switches, can he be trusted to actually follow through? Or is he grasping at any possible lifeline to bamboozle enough of the electorate to get into power.

If you support term limits, I encourage you to check another candidate who has consistently pushed for the idea, and isn't just advocating it now to pander for your vote, Gary Johnson was talking term limits as early as 2001, Bill Weld is on the record supporting them as far back as 1996. The Johnson Weld campaign signed the pledge early on.

If this is an issue important to you, then you decide, support an honest, consistent candidate, or an unpredictable, disingenuous candidate that may or may not actually follow through, and has actively criticized and called term limits "terrible".

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