Wednesday, October 26, 2016

So you want to do a write in vote

This year is an interesting election year for sure. The two parties have handed us two of the least popular candidates in history, and many are looking for other options. First, there are 4 candidates on the ballot in the state of NY, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, and Jill Stein. Now, full disclosure, I am supporting Gary Johnson, and while I hope you will consider doing so as well, I also want you to understand all of your options. If you are also considering Chris Keniston, Darrell Castle, or Evan McMullin, among others, you can still vote for them, and it is quite simple to do so.

The above is a sample ballot for Madison County. If you reside in another county in NY, your ballot should be fairly similar. Go all the way to the very bottom, on the very left line (Presidential Electors for President and Vice President) to the last line that says write in. In the box for that line, write your chosen candidate (you can find a list of NYS write in candidates for 2016 president here) If your write in candidate is not on this list, you can still write them in, but it won't be counted. When writing in your candidate, ensure it is spelled correctly, and as legible as possible, and ensure you are writing it in the correct box.

A candidate certified with the state board of elections has electors appointed should they actually win, that is why their individual votes are counted, and those not certified are not recorded by name, or tracked.

So if you wish to vote for Chris Keniston, Evan McMullin, Darrell Castle, or any of the others on the above list, that is how you do so. If you have any issues, the elections staff are there to help you make sure your ballot is properly recorded, don't be afraid to ask.

Also don't forget to vote for the other offices running!

You don't have to accept the terrible two on Tuesday the 8th!

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