Saturday, October 22, 2016

To the Church and to pro life voters:

I want to re-address the issue of abortion and pro life voters. Of all the issues this crazy election cycle, this is an issue, one of the only issues, that I not only understand the perspective, but strongly respect, those who are considering voting for Trump for being Pro Life. That said, I'd ask you consider a few points:

Trump is inconsistent, he has been very pro choice. He has been supportive of Planned Parenthood in the past, and although there is no evidence either way (since he won't release his tax returns...) Trump himself says "it's possible"

Now, I know, you're saying "He's changed, he's pro-life now!" Ok, but let me ask you this, he's flipped repeatedly, not just on this issue, but on others, on immigration (He advocated open borders and said the GOP was unkind towards immigrants in 2013) on gun rights, and many others. I bring these others up for a whole picture. People change positions on things over time, it happens. But the fact that he has changed positions on so many issues, in such a short time, is cause for concern. Are these really his new positions, or is he taking a position to get the attention of a particular crowd? I don't have the answer, you don't have the answer. Only Trump and God know for certain the true answer here. I am not, and none of us are capable of, judging what the man has in his heart, but I am, and we all should, look at the fruit, and look at where he has stood to get an idea of where he stands. So, in this line, I sincerely ask you, can you confidently say that you trust his new position?

Next point, Trump has said (most recently in the third debate) That if Roe vs Wade (actually Casey vs Planned Parenthood) is overturned, then it would fall back on the states to make a decision. This is actually an accurate statement, as under the 10th amendment, thats how the constitution reads on the matter. My point here is, that is precisely the position Gary Johnson takes, regarding the tenth amendment and constitutional issues, and regarding abortion. If you actually look at the substance of what both candidates have said, and the consistency of Johnson's past positions, the end result you get regarding the issue of abortion is quite identical.

So, I hear you when you say that although you dislike Trump, you feel compelled to support him on the issue of life, and that while you like much of what Johnson says, you cannot support him because he is pro choice.

In the third debate, Trump and Clinton went at it over late term abortions, and Trump scored points for painting a grisly visual of ripping babies apart. It was quite convincing, and I don't disagree with him. However, "partial birth" abortion is already illegal. Late term abortion is rare, and is banned in 43 states. So this portion of the argument, while it is certainly useful for strong reactions (and Trump succeeded in that end) is a rather mute point.

Johnson opposes government funding for abortion, as well as for stem cell research, and is consistent on this issue back to when he was governor of New Mexico. He believes it is a state issue, not federal, which is just what Trump said in the third debate. As governor of NM, he signed a law banning late term abortions and requiring parental notification.

He overall is a strict constitutionalist, and has suggested Clarence Thomas and Andrew Napolitano as examples of the types of judges he would consider.

Look, here's my point, yes, the rhetoric is different, Trump speaks the pro life talk well, while Johnson is favorable of individual liberty, and when he addresses abortion he does so from this perspective. However, I, as a pro life libertarian, look to the substance and the consistency, and on the issue of abortion, Johnson is far more consistent on the issue than Trump is. That is what I ask you to consider.

You have before you a candidate who has been very firmly pro choice for years, who has supported NARAL and Planned Parenthood, and who has been very inconsistent on multiple issues, who now tells you to trust him that he's different now, and a candidate who as governor signed legislation limiting abortion, who has consistently opposed government funds for abortion, and who consistently says it is not a federal issue. You decide. And only you can decide, I have made my position clear, to me, it is an easy choice, Trump speaks pro life words with a pro abortion background. Johnson supports choice with an effectively, on substance, pro life constitutional stance.

I finally ask you, regarding Republicans and abortion, if you believe they will actually take action. Please consider my final point. Roe vs Wade was decided by a Republican dominated court (5 of the justices on the majority opinion were Republican appointed). Furthermore, the GOP controlled the House, the Senate, and the presidency from 2003-2007, yet no action was taken to actually ban abortion. So I must genuinely ask, each election year, you dutifully vote Republican in support of pro life politicians, this is admirable, but what has it gotten you? Each time around, your choices get worse and worse, and you accept it, because you must support life. Again, admirable, I respect that. But we must be honest with ourselves, are these really candidates who share your views, or are they saying the right words because they know that this is an issue that will keep you faithful to the party? These are things I want you to seriously, honestly, and prayerfully consider.

If in the end, you come to the decision that you must support Trump because of the issue of life, then we will disagree, but I will respect your choice. I just ask that before you make that choice, you consider all that I have elaborated above. I will not dare to tell you what your moral duty is, that is between you, your conscience, and God almighty. I will say, in closing, that it is my firm belief that the only candidate on all 50 state ballots that consistently supports a position favorable to pro life views, in spite of the rhetoric used, is Gary Johnson. I am happy to discuss any questions you may have, and have tried my best to remain focused solely on this one issue for this post, as I understand it's importance. But we must consider positions taken on the issue as a whole, and how they place in the larger issue as a whole.

It is my hope that as Christians we can remain united in Christ even if we disagree politically, and I hope I have helped you further understand my views on this matter. I am not a single issue voter, but for this particular issue, I can understand and respect those that are. I hope this post helps you understand and respect that you do not have to hold your nose and vote Trump in support of life. I would argue that if you do, you may well get something very different from your hopes, and you will simply encourage the continuation of candidates saying the right words to win your vote, but taking no action.

Vote for liberty, vote for life, vote for change
Thank you, and God bless you all

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