Thursday, October 13, 2016

Donald Trump vs The Constitution

This is a post I've been meaning to do for a little bit now. I know it's a deviation from the DNC leaked emails I've started to comment on, but, well, this little gem popped across my newsfeed,
and I found myself, although at this point I perhaps shouldn't be, astounded that there are still Trump supporters who seem to think he's a constitutional superhero. I'm trying hard to be nice here, but, simply astounding. I'm not going to recreate the wheel in my comments here, just compile a list of links relevant to each amendment or issue relating to Trump and the constitution. You only have yourself to blame if you are to lazy to actually research your blessed messiah.

First Amendment:
Donald Trump Doesn't Understand Freedom of the Press. Neither Does Hillary Clinton
"When it comes down to it, both Trump and Clinton have made it very clear they will use thepower of the presidency to make it harder for an adversarial press to hold them accountable."
Let's not forget the "opening up the libel laws" gem, because that's how freedom of speech and of the press work...

Then of course there is that whole religious freedom issue, you know, that pesky free exercise religion part. I will give some credit for speaking to repeal the LB Johnson amendment, but compared to what he'd seek to do to Muslims...including increased police presence based on religion rather than an actual probable cause, increased surveillance of Muslim neighborhoods, and refusing refugees. Now, yes, if there is cause for investigation, then investigate. But basing suspicion off of religion alone is ineffective, not to mention a violation of first amendment rights. Remember, they apply not just to Christianity, and if they can be removed from one religion, they can be removed from any religion. This post really sums the first amendment bit up pretty well, fact is, to call Trump a defender of the first amendment best, laughable

Second Amendment:
Admittedly, Trump talks a good game on 2A issues, on the surface anyways. But he's inconsistent. He used to advocate banning assault weapons. He still advocates "no fly no buy", a position in agreement with Clinton mind you, and a violation of someone's legal right to purchase a firearm without due process. Never mind that the list itself is unconstitutional, that a secret government list is a problem on many levels, and that if someone is suspected of a crime, they should be investigated and convicted or acquitted, not placed on a watch list...anyway, here's a decent 2A summary of Trump's inconsistencies.

Fourth Amendment: 3 words...Stop and Frisk

Fifth Amendment: See 2A and "no fly no buy" and his support of watch lists. This removes due process, deprives liberty and property, and is also potentially double jeopardy.

Tenth Amendment:
Returning Federal land to State control, especially considering constitutionally the federal government is only technically allowed to own land under specific circumstances, and the 10th is pretty clear on state power and federal power...not to mention several other issues where Trump would further expand the federal government. All indications show Trump will grow the federal government, not return powers to individual states.

And the above merely reference the specific amendments in the cartoon, here's another elaboration from Politico on the matter. If you are going to vote for Trump because he isn't Hillary, fine, but don't lie to yourself about what you're supporting. You are supporting a North American Jaun Peron.

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