Saturday, October 15, 2016

3rd Party Presidential candidates, a comparison

I've seen several comparision posts for presidential candidates going around, but they all compare the top two and maybe Johnson or Stein, and none of them really seem to actually address anything at all in depth. I decided to put one together of the alternative candidates running. In the interest of space and clarity, I did not include the "top two". Even still, each of these issues mentioned are often more complex than the snippets included here, so I do encourage you to research them further. All information I used is either from the respective candidates campaign sites, or from I tried my best to not favor any one candidate, but to share what they have said on each subject. I know there are also many other issues than the ones mentioned here. In the interest of full disclosure, my preferred candidate is Gary Johnson. That said, I hope this helps you decide on a candidate that more aligns with your perspectives. Unlike many of my other posts, I did my best here to remain objective and not steer towards any particular candidate.

IssueGary JohnsonJill SteinEvan McMullinDarrell CastleChris Keniston
AbortionState issue, supports parental notification, supports counseling, opposes government funding, opposes insurance mandate, up to the States per 10th amendment, individual decision.Pro choice, healthcare is a right, abortion and birth control fall under healthcare"Our respect for life is the most important measure of our humanity. From conception to death - and any time in between - life is precious and we have a responsibility to protect it. A culture that subsidizes abortion on demand runs counter to the fundamental American belief in the potential of every person"right to life under 5th and 14th amendments, "1. Veto and refuse to spend every penny of funding for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. 2. Recommend to Congress, and work to convince Congress, to take away the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction over such matters."No official position, personally pro life, social issues are not constitutionally federal matters
IssueGary JohnsonJill SteinEvan McMullinDarrell CastleChris Keniston
Firearms/2A issuesSupports concealed carry, Supports gun rights, armed law abiding citizens reduces crime, opposes "no fly no buy" and other federal lists as violations of right to due process Favorable of Australia style gun control, wants increased regulation, increased focus on mental health"As president, Evan McMullin will never infringe upon the rights of law-abiding gun-owners. Instead, he will respect the founding spirit of our country by ensuring that Americans have the ability to defend their families and enjoy their sporting traditions without government interference." Favors use of watch lists, but states due process concerns must be addressed"The Constitution Party stands opposed to his efforts to disarm the American people, whatever the president’s motives may be. The Constitution Party opposes what the government usually refers to as “gun control” – and that is gun or ammunition confiscation, gun or ammunition registration and the restriction of semi-automatic firearms with high-capacity magazines. We in the Constitution Party understand that armed people are free while disarmed people are slaves"Per the constitution "Shall not be infringed"
IssueGary JohnsonJill SteinEvan McMullinDarrell CastleChris Keniston
healthcarefavors free market solutions, state issue, federal government should not be involvedhealthcare is a right, supports single payer universal healthcare"ObamaCare has failed American families, driving up costs and reducing access to far too many. With competition, deregulation and innovation we can build a modern health care system that delivers accessible, affordable and high-quality care. Vulnerable populations, including patients with preexisting conditions, should be protected. Real healthcare reform means putting patients, families, and doctors at the heart of health care."" If the supply of medical care is controlled by the federal government, then officers of that government will determine which demand is satisfied. The result will be the rationing of services, higher costs, poorer results – and the power of life and death transferred from caring physicians to unaccountable political overseers. We denounce any civil government entity using age or any other personal characteristic to: preclude people and insurance firms from freely contracting for medical coverage"constitutionally not a federal issue
IssueGary JohnsonJill SteinEvan McMullinDarrell CastleChris Keniston
taxeseliminate the IRS, completely redo tax code, favors the fair taxIncrease taxes on the "rich", increase inheritance tax "aristocracy tax""make the tax code fairer and simpler, helping to spur business innovation, especially the growth of small businesses, which are the country’s most important job creators. Small businesses should pay closer to 25 percent of their profits in taxes, whereas now there are many that must pay almost 40 percent. Right now America also has the highest corporate tax rate – 35 should be substantially lower. Income tax rates also need to come down, especially for the middle-class; once the economy starts growing again at an acceptable rate, high-earners should also get a break.""I have proposed a taxing system whereby taxes would be apportioned to the states as the census dictates. If my state of Tennessee had two percent of the nation’s population, for example, it would be liable for two percent of the budget. It would be incumbent upon the representatives from Tennessee to help hold down Federal spending. The Federal Government would be encouraged to spend less not more. The states would be empowered and Washington would be dis-empowered. Washington’s hold over the states would be broken and the states would be sovereign again – Washington would have to ask the states for money. States would be free to collect their revenue as they see fit. Alaska might tax its natural resources and Florida might tax tourism. In Nevada, it would obviously be gambling. Since people could keep their income the economy would explode with growth."eliminate the income tax, replace it with a consumption tax or possibly a flat tax
IssueGary JohnsonJill SteinEvan McMullinDarrell CastleChris Keniston
tradeSupports free trade, considers tariffs and other restrictions "protectionism", "skeptical" of trade agreements but would sign NPPOpposes trade deals including NPP. "To stop the outsourcing of our jobs, it's very clear we need to stop expanding the free trade agreements that send our jobs overseas and which also undermine wages here at home by effectively threatening workers that if they don't drop their wages and their benefits, that their jobs are gone. We saw the first free trade agreement, NAFTA, enacted under Bill Clinton, a Democrat. We saw it carried out under George Bush, but then we saw Barack Obama expand three free trade agreements and is now negotiating a secret free trade agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, that will continue to offshore jobs, undermine wages, and, as well, this time compromise American sovereignty with an international corporate board that can rule on our laws and regulations and say whether or not they pass muster. This is an absolute outrage against American sovereignty, democracy and our economy."Supports trade agreements, including TPP, "Evan believes that trade is an engine of prosperity and that well-designed trade agreements can help our economy grow even more."Opposes TPP and other trade agreements as attacks on national sovereigntyvacate existing trade agreements, impose penalties to make overseas manufacturing "less attractive"
IssueGary JohnsonJill SteinEvan McMullinDarrell CastleChris Keniston
immigration and border security2 term governor of a border state, opposes mass deportation, focus on keeping criminals out, create a path to easier work visas and welcome those who want to work "Having served as Governor of a border state, Gary Johnson understands immigration. He understands that a robust flow of labor, regulated not by politics, but by the marketplace, is essential. He understands that a bigger fence will only produce taller ladders and deeper tunnels, and that the flow of illegal immigrants across the border is not a consequence of too little security, but rather a legal immigration system that simply doesn't work. Militarizing the border, bigger fences, and other punitive measures espoused by too many politicians are all simplistic "solutions" to a problem caused by artificial quotas, bureaucratic incompetence and the shameful failure of Congress to actually put in place an immigration system that matches reality.""Obama's recent night raids and deportations of Central American families and children are inhumane and morally reprehensible. Deportation of these vulnerable, abused refugees is morally abhorrent. We are all immigrants in this country--with the exception of native Americans. The diversity of multicultural immigrant America has always been the core strength of our nation. Our 12 million undocumented immigrants are hardworking, tax-paying community residents who take the hardest and worst paid jobs. They should be celebrated, not intimidated with the threat of deportation. It's time to create a welcoming path to citizenship and put an immediate end to the shameful era of deportations and detentions. Fundamentally, the immigration crisis must be resolved by ending the harmful US policies (including drug wars, predatory trade agreements, and political and military interventions) that are turning whole populations into refugees to start with.""The path to reform begins with securing our borders. Once they are secured, there should be a process of earned legalization for the illegal immigrants who are already here. There is simply no efficient way to deport 11 million individuals; doing so would break apart families and likely cost $100 billion. Furthermore, legalization is not amnesty. While addressing illegal immigration, it is vital to remember that legal immigration is one of America’s greatest strengths. Immigrants and their children have a long record of hard work, starting businesses, and creating jobs. Still, we need to reform the legal immigration system so that it prioritizes American interests and security, including the protection of workers from low-wage, low-skill competition."According to the Constitution Party’s platform, its members oppose illegal immigration and amnesty of any sort, including proposals that would provide some sort of pathway to citizenship for those who are in the U.S. illegally.Reform and streamline the immigration process, current process is a "bureaucratic quagmire, encourage input from states, immediate moratorium on deportation of immigrants awaiting citizenship by marriage
IssueGary JohnsonJill SteinEvan McMullinDarrell CastleChris Keniston
foreign policyavoid foreign entanglements, cut foreign aid that does not directly serve national interest, remain in the UN and NATO but cease interference in foreign affairs. "American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the world. Our foreign policy should emphasize defense against attack from abroad and enhance the likelihood of peace by avoiding foreign entanglements. We would end the current U.S. government policy of foreign intervention, including military and economic aid. We recognize the right of all people to resist tyranny and defend themselves and their rights. We condemn the use of force, and especially the use of terrorism, against the innocent, regardless of whether such acts are committed by governments or by political or revolutionary groups."End overseas meddling, US is member of world community, not world cop, end foreign aid to countries with "humanitarian abuses", focus on human rights, international law, and diplomacy, end support for Israel, refers to Israel/Palestine as "apartheid occupation""Evan McMullin will continue this tradition of leadership that has made America the world’s indispensable nation.""Opposing brutal dictatorships and speaking out on behalf of democracy and human rights are also essential to American leadership. Other nations follow our lead because they understand that we pursue the collective good, not just our own narrow self-interest. While American soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and intelligence officers have borne the cost of this leadership, the pursuit of common interests has enabled us to build a network of democratic allies across the globe."Withdraw from the UN, opposes a "globalist agenda", "I believe in a strong defense, but I believe in a ‘mind your own business’ type of government as the Constitution requires us to do,"pursue a policy of non-interference, continued, conditional participation in the UN, overseas actions must be constitutional
IssueGary JohnsonJill SteinEvan McMullinDarrell CastleChris Keniston
Ballot AccessAll 50 states(including DC)on the ballot in 44 states (and DC), Write in for Georgia, North Carolina, and Indiana, not on the ballot in Nevada, South Dakota, or Oklahoma.On the ballot in 11 states, write in brings total to 34 states, click here for full list on the ballot in 24 states, write in for 18 states, 3 states pending write in access, click here for map and state party listballot access in Colorado and Louisiana, Write in status confirmed or pending in 27 states, click here for list

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