Friday, April 4, 2014

You might be surprised who has armed law enforcement

I can understand a few of these listed, park police and rangers for instance, although personally, most law enforcement should be handled by state, county, and local entities. I can understand the reasoning for having some amount of federal enforcement, if nothing else to coordinate efforts between state agencies, but the Department of Education? NOAA??

How many federal law enforcement agencies do we need? Is this really a wise use of federal funds (aka, tax dollars...)

Crazy idea here, if the Dept. of Education happens to uncover fraud or crime related to education, couldn't they, I don't know, inform the police, or the FBI?  I mean, the existence of the Dept. of Education is constitutionally tenuous at best in the first place...but for them to have armed agents with arrest power?  Really?

Does your local school board have any say in your local pd? I guess maybe they should...

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