Friday, April 4, 2014

Agree to disagree? Or comply?

Imagine with me, a hypothetical scenerio: An individual has an opinion, and donates some of his private money to a cause supporting that opinion. Let's imagine he wants to give some of his own personal money to a cause supporting gay marriage. And lets say he is the CEO of a well known company.  Lets pretend he was forced to resign for his personal beliefs, even though he forced them on noone he worked with, and kept his private beliefs completely separate of the work place, he was still forced to resign from the company. 

Outraged? Wondering what company this is so you can write them a letter, or boycott them, or protest their headquarters, or at least post a facebook update about how intolerant they are?

What if I switched the issue on you, and told you it was a group opposing gay marriage, and he donated 6 years ago? Still outraged? If you aren't,  your understanding of tolerance is a tad off kilter.

Why is it perfectly acceptable to scream "tolerance" while being intolerant of dissent?

You don't have to agree, really, it's ok for people to have differing opinions, worldviews, and perspectives, and it is downright hypocritical to demand others accept your views and be tolerant of others if you will not do the same.

I do not demand that you change your opinions, views, or morals to meet mine, so long as you are not harming another,  do your thing

Yet I must change mine, because even disagreeing offends. That is liberal America, and thats a damn shame.

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