Friday, April 4, 2014

Congressman Moran thinks members of Congress are underpaid

According to a Thursday interview, Congressman James Moran, from Virgina, thinks that $174,000 (that doesn't include any of the benefits...) isn't enough to live comfortably.

Mr Congressman, may I point out some other salaries for you:

Active Duty E5 (Sgt) with 4 years in service: $30,661.20
Active Duty O3 (Captain) with 4 years in service: $62,013..60
Active Duty O6 (Colonel) with 18 years in service: $110,163.6

Starting salary for a Police Officer (In DC, since he referenced the cost of living in the city): $53,300

Salary for a firefighter: $48,270

Salary for a firefighter, supervisory position: $72,670

Salary for an EMT/Paramedic: $34,870

(Police, Firefighter, and EMT combined = $136,440, that's nearly $40,000 less annually than the salary of a Congressman)

Salary for a political science professor: $84,110

 Salary for a teacher: $48,750

 Salary for an RN: $68,910

Now, these are all national averages unless listed otherwise, and, in the case of EMT/Paramedic, they really should be two separate listings as they are differing training levels and pay, but it gives you a general idea.

Mr Congressman, may I suggest that, especially when you factor in the added benefits, such as retirement and healthcare, that you are incredibly out of touch with Americans as a whole?  May I suggest that we do not have much sympathy for your "plight"?

For some more perspective:
UK House of Commons: £74,000 ($122,677.20)
Canadian House of Commons: $163,700.00 Canadian ($149,068.89 USD)

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