Friday, October 3, 2008

House passes second attempt at bailout bill

Well, the House of Representatives has buckled and passed the new attempt of a bailout bill, after a refusal on Monday to steal from main street to fund wal streets greed. So now not only will we feel the repurcussions from unwise lending practices and overspending, but we'll be paying to keep those who made those mistakes in business. Me and my dad run a small family business, an organic dairy farm to be exact. If we were to overspend or make unwise business moves, we would go out of business, that's capitalism, but it seems that failure in business gets rewarded with money so long as it's a failure on an epic scale.

I understand the complexity of the situation and the brink our economy is on, but it's been coming for a while. our economy has relied on prices going up and up and up, anyone with any understanding of history or economics can tell you that bubbles pop, yet for some reason noone deemed it cause for alarm that our entire economic system is based on bubbles not popping. Rep Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) sums it up pretty well, "How can we have capitalism on the way up and socialism on the way down,".

The bill passed the Senate 74-25, the House 263-171, and has already been signed by President Bush, and so, once again, the American people are betrayed. Oh, and by the way, a tax cut was attached to the bill, because apparently our national debt wasn't big enough, let's just throw money at everything. Money, according to the federal government, is like duct tape, it fixes everything, nobody has explained to me what the plan is when the duct tape doesn't stick. Maybe we'll ask Iraq for a loan? After all, we've poured so much money into them they've been giving it away in the streets.

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