Friday, October 24, 2008

NYS 23rd Congressional district

So, along with the Presidential election coming up, one can't forget the other races. I announced after the bailout bill and John McHugh voting for both versions that he had lost my vote. Well, it seems I have the following options, all of which, to me, are not options:

1) Vote against John McHugh, ie vote for Mike Oot

After having a look around his website (which, on a side note, gave me a headache to navigate) and reading what I could find on him, I'm hesitant to vote for him. First of all, he says that he would have supported the initially bailout bill, but is angry about the second. Well, I suppose thats better than McHugh, who voted for both versions, but not much. Also, one of the main issues he mentions on his home page is "quality, affordable health care" and on his (poorly designed) issues page "The availability of adequate healthcare for every American should be a National Priority. I am for Universal Healthcare"

Oh, and he's endorsed by WF(Working Families) which, in and of itself makes me think twice before voting for this guy, protest vote against McHugh or not

Also, I'm surprised (maybe I just couldn't find it, did i mention his website was designed by a poorly trained monkey?) that, him being from Munnsville, NY (practically my nieghbor) in a heavily rural area, makes almost no mention of farms, agriculture, or Upstate NY getting the short end of the economic stick. Actually, his site gives me the impression that he's running on healthcare (not a national concern) and the Iraq war, with the bailout as an afterthought.

I see no good reason to vote for this guy, except perhaps to spite McHugh, but It's not good enough, I'll pass on option 1.

2)Vote for McHugh anyways.

This options annoys me to no end. McHugh has held the seat for a while now, and hasn't done much that I've seen. Actually, I don't think he much cares about anything outside of Jefferson County, frankly, it is my impression that he's gotten overconfident and comfortable, seeing as every election has been a cakewalk, easily crushing any opposition, the district has been solid GOP since the 1800's, and he's the GOP man, who's gonna challenge him?
I'll pass on option 2, he lost my vote when he sold the American taxpayer down the river on both Bailout votes

3)Don't vote
not gonna happen

4)Write in
Apparently my only option, and, seeing as I've voted libertarian in every presidential election I could vote in, I'm kinda resighned to my vote being nothing more than a protest vote. The problem is, who to write in? Should I go for the classic sarcastic mickey mouse or donald duck? Perhaps write in Golisano just for giggles? I couldn't find any, but are any third party candidates running who perhaps haven't discovered the internet? I've basically decided, as both candidates on the ballot suck, to vote for niether, but that only shows if I vote for someone else, if I don't vote, it accomplishes nothing, not even a protest vote. So, fellow Upstate NY'ers, for whom shall I vote?

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