Monday, September 29, 2008

Main street robbery halted by the House of Representatives

The bailout plan (H.R. 3997) was voted on in the House today, and it did not pass, 228 representatives (95 Democrats, 133 Republicans) voted nay, refusing to steal out of the American taxpayers pocket to prop up the greed of Wal Street big shots. Sadly, my Representative, John McHugh, was not among those who stood against this bill, I'm questioning why I voted for him, and am uncertain if I can do so again, I will be watching him closely. I am not a one issue voter, but this is a biggie, he's lost my trust today, even as the House overall gave me a ray of hope that maybe there is a smattering of common sense left on Capital Hill.

House vote on HR 3997

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must agree with you John Mchugh has lost touch with the people of his district. I think it is time for a change! Let's Unite as one and vote John Mchugh out and send a message to him that he should have listened to the ones that hired him in the first place.