Friday, October 24, 2008

NYS 23rd Congressional district

So, along with the Presidential election coming up, one can't forget the other races. I announced after the bailout bill and John McHugh voting for both versions that he had lost my vote. Well, it seems I have the following options, all of which, to me, are not options:

1) Vote against John McHugh, ie vote for Mike Oot

After having a look around his website (which, on a side note, gave me a headache to navigate) and reading what I could find on him, I'm hesitant to vote for him. First of all, he says that he would have supported the initially bailout bill, but is angry about the second. Well, I suppose thats better than McHugh, who voted for both versions, but not much. Also, one of the main issues he mentions on his home page is "quality, affordable health care" and on his (poorly designed) issues page "The availability of adequate healthcare for every American should be a National Priority. I am for Universal Healthcare"

Oh, and he's endorsed by WF(Working Families) which, in and of itself makes me think twice before voting for this guy, protest vote against McHugh or not

Also, I'm surprised (maybe I just couldn't find it, did i mention his website was designed by a poorly trained monkey?) that, him being from Munnsville, NY (practically my nieghbor) in a heavily rural area, makes almost no mention of farms, agriculture, or Upstate NY getting the short end of the economic stick. Actually, his site gives me the impression that he's running on healthcare (not a national concern) and the Iraq war, with the bailout as an afterthought.

I see no good reason to vote for this guy, except perhaps to spite McHugh, but It's not good enough, I'll pass on option 1.

2)Vote for McHugh anyways.

This options annoys me to no end. McHugh has held the seat for a while now, and hasn't done much that I've seen. Actually, I don't think he much cares about anything outside of Jefferson County, frankly, it is my impression that he's gotten overconfident and comfortable, seeing as every election has been a cakewalk, easily crushing any opposition, the district has been solid GOP since the 1800's, and he's the GOP man, who's gonna challenge him?
I'll pass on option 2, he lost my vote when he sold the American taxpayer down the river on both Bailout votes

3)Don't vote
not gonna happen

4)Write in
Apparently my only option, and, seeing as I've voted libertarian in every presidential election I could vote in, I'm kinda resighned to my vote being nothing more than a protest vote. The problem is, who to write in? Should I go for the classic sarcastic mickey mouse or donald duck? Perhaps write in Golisano just for giggles? I couldn't find any, but are any third party candidates running who perhaps haven't discovered the internet? I've basically decided, as both candidates on the ballot suck, to vote for niether, but that only shows if I vote for someone else, if I don't vote, it accomplishes nothing, not even a protest vote. So, fellow Upstate NY'ers, for whom shall I vote?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama the Socialist

I find it distressingly amusing how the mainstream media goes after Sarah Palin's husband for his ties to a seperationist party in Alaska, but are blatantly ignoring Obama starting his career as a member of the NP (New Party) in Illinois. Most evidence of this has been scrubbed, and Obama denies his affiliation, but heres the wonder of the internet, nothing goes away. Thanks to the Wayback Machine we can see the truth.

"Illinois: Three NP-members won Democratic primaries last Spring and face off against Republican opponents on election day: Danny Davis (U.S. House), Barack Obama (State Senate) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary)." October 1996 NP Update archived link, emphasis added

From the Progessive Populist, 11/96:
"New Party member Barack Obama was uncontested for a State Senate seat from Chicago. "

From the Chicago DSA (Democratic Socialists of America), July-August 1996

"New Party Update

by Bruce Bentley

The Chicago New Party is increasely becoming a viable political organization that can make a different in Chicago politics. It is crucial for a political organization to have a solid infrastructure and visible results in its political program. The New Party has continued to solidify this base.

First, in relation to its infrastructure, the NP's membership has increased since January '95 from 225 to 440. National membership has increased from 5700 in December '95 to 7000. Currently the NP's fiscal balance is $7,000 and receives an average of $450/month is sustainer donations.

Secondly, the NP's '96 Political Program has been enormously successful with 3 of 4 endorsed candidates winning electoral primaries. All four candidates attended the NP membership meeting on April 11th to express their gratitude. Danny Davis, winner in the 7th Congressional District, invited NPers to join his Campaign Steering Committee. Patricia Martin, who won the race for Judge in 7th Subcircuit Court, explained that due to the NP she was able to network and get experienced advice from progressives like Davis. Barack Obama, victor in the 13th State Senate District, encouraged NPers to join in his task forces on Voter Education and Voter Registration. The lone loser was Willie Delgado, in the 3rd Illinois House District. Although Delgado received 45% of the vote, he lost by only 800 votes. Delgado commented that it was due to the NP volunteers that he carried the 32nd Ward. Delgado emphasized that he will remain a visible community activist in Humbolt Park. He will conduct four Immigration workshops and encouraged NP activists to get involved.

The Chicago NP will hire a second organizer and an intern, preferably Spanish speaking, to work in the 35th Ward. Upcoming events include a 70's Retro Dance Party on Friday, July 12th, and Post Labor Day Picnic on September 7th." (Emphasis added)

So, who is Obama really? We hear all about Sarah Palin's husbands ties to the Alaskan Independence Party, but strangely nothing about Obama's roots. I wonder why the media is sweeping this information about the "Chosen One" away from public scrutiny?

Friday, October 3, 2008

House passes second attempt at bailout bill

Well, the House of Representatives has buckled and passed the new attempt of a bailout bill, after a refusal on Monday to steal from main street to fund wal streets greed. So now not only will we feel the repurcussions from unwise lending practices and overspending, but we'll be paying to keep those who made those mistakes in business. Me and my dad run a small family business, an organic dairy farm to be exact. If we were to overspend or make unwise business moves, we would go out of business, that's capitalism, but it seems that failure in business gets rewarded with money so long as it's a failure on an epic scale.

I understand the complexity of the situation and the brink our economy is on, but it's been coming for a while. our economy has relied on prices going up and up and up, anyone with any understanding of history or economics can tell you that bubbles pop, yet for some reason noone deemed it cause for alarm that our entire economic system is based on bubbles not popping. Rep Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) sums it up pretty well, "How can we have capitalism on the way up and socialism on the way down,".

The bill passed the Senate 74-25, the House 263-171, and has already been signed by President Bush, and so, once again, the American people are betrayed. Oh, and by the way, a tax cut was attached to the bill, because apparently our national debt wasn't big enough, let's just throw money at everything. Money, according to the federal government, is like duct tape, it fixes everything, nobody has explained to me what the plan is when the duct tape doesn't stick. Maybe we'll ask Iraq for a loan? After all, we've poured so much money into them they've been giving it away in the streets.