Monday, August 25, 2008

Obama and the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

I'm not going to go into deep detail here on my views on abortion, thats another blog for another time, so I'll simply say this: I'm personally and morally opposed to abortion, but I believe that constituionally it is a state issue the federal government has no place in. However, this specific bill was 1) a state bill when Obama was a state Senator and 2) a bill to ensure that aborted infants that survived the "procedure" (born alive..) recieved care rather than being tossed away, ie, being treated as humans...whether you believe life begins at conception or first breath or sometime in between, in any view, these are living, human babies, and Obama voted and argued against a bill protecting the risk of blatantly showing my bias (which, for any newcomers, is unashamedly against both Obama and McCain, once again, another post for another time..) Now, I know that I often argue that I generally ignore the abortion issue on a federal level, as any action in any direction regarding abortion on a federal level is a violation of the 10th amendment, and as such, unconstitutional and illegal, this matter goes beyond that. This is not abortion, this is not an argument over whether it's a living baby or a "fetus" these are (were?) babies, that lived despite the efforts of thier mothers and abortionists, took thier first breath, only to be discarded as unwanted trash. This is a character issue, a moral issue, and a legal issue. Inarguably, no matter your stance on abortion, once a baby is born and breathing, it is alive, it is human, and to kill it is murder, neglecting and refusing proper care to the living baby is essentially the same thing, and in my mind, heartless. To oppose such a bill because it may "inconvience doctors" is utterly despicable, and is something one must consider when considering Obama as the "savior of America" sure, he charmingly promises change, but, is it change you can accept? Know who you're hiring for the next president

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