Friday, August 1, 2008

my computers

So, I decided to rearrange my desk, and that started some craziness. After physically moving my desk and computers, I decided to change some things on my computers themselves. I have three computers going currently, 2 desktops and a laptop.

Desktop 1, main computer

Debian, kde. I just recently switched over to kde, I've been using enlightenment for a while, and fvwm-chrystal before that, but I decided to give it a try, so far I like it. I use this computer for general web browsing, open office, and as my media server (mpd, ushare, samba) and such

I like my desktops pretty simple, no icons, in this case an autohide taskbar, and my app and window menus on left and right click on the desktop. the background is setup with Xplanet

theres my kde taskbar, set to autohide and transparent so it only gets in my way when I want it to (usually :-D )

and some random programs, well, in this case a terminal window and sonata, one of mpd clients

Desktop 2

Debian, gnome. I don't really actively use this computer much, it is more an in the background machine, It's my main samba server, as well as serving a few other server functions.

nothing fancy, I don't even remember why I bothered to install X on this machine, but it's there and I'm to lazy to take it off, no harm done really

the laptop
just that, my laptop, a Dell Inspiron 1521 it's my other general use computer when I don't feel like sitting at my desk, and the reason I love mpd. I can have music playing on my main computer through my stereo system and easily change it from the other room on my laptop. anyways, this was a pain to get running to a point where I was happy with it, I tried debian and perhaps I was impatient, but it didn't work very well on the laptop. In a moment of temporary insanity I tried ubuntu, and hated every minute of it...finally I decided to give Mandrivia a try, I really don't even know why, I haven't touched anything not debian or debian derived in forever, but I did cut my teeth on Red Hat back in the days of RH 7.0 so I figured I'd give it a go. The install was quick, and, well, wireless didn't work right away, but it was a quick fix with ndiswrapper, and I was up and running in no time, everything just works

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