Wednesday, July 23, 2008

TSA gone mad?

You know the drill, you go to the airport, check in, get your ticket, drop off your luggage, tell them that yes indeed you packed it all yourself, no you don't have any go through security, yes, your bag has been in your possession the entire time, no some random stranger didn't ask you to carry it through for them, take your shoes, belt, etc off, walk through the metal detector, and hope to high heaven you don't have a penny in your pocket you missed.

We've all heard the TSA stories that make us wonder just exactly where they get these "agents" from?
The latest to make you just scratch your head and go "huh!?" TSA Agents Forced Woman To Remove Nipple Rings, Pulled Pants Off Disabled Man

Really? I'd have trouble believing this, but, I've seen and heard these insanities before. A friend of mine I was flying with a few months back nearly had his electronic toothbrush confiscated because "a metallic cylinder" appeared in the handle. My friend attempted to explain that the toothbrush, being electronic, contains a battery. After much hassle and a supervisor, they determined that it was indeed, a toothbrush...I could go on and on, but heres the point I'm getting to:

At what point have we overreacted? At what point do we decide that maybe, just maybe, a 71 year old man in a wheel chair is most likely not a terrorist, and perhaps the real threat to our safety and security is an overconfident undertrained nutjob on a power trip? ("At that point, Perry was standing in his underwear in public view. He asked to see a supervisor. That made things worse.

"She was yelling 'I have power, I have power, I have power," Perry said. The power to stop him from flying to Florida with his wife that day to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.
") Are we really better off? I mean I certainly feel better knowing that nipple rings, wheelchairs, toothbrushes, and old mens underwear are being closely scrutinized by knowing individuals capable of asserting their power by throwing a temper tantrum if their authority is questioned...yep, we are certainly much safer and freer now thanks to these brave men and women who got fired from McDonalds...

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