Monday, July 21, 2008

Dobson's political shift

So, it seems Dobson has flip flopped rethought his position on John McCain: Dobson shifts

This is a big 180 from his statement in February that if McCain is the GOP nominee against Obama (or the other possibility at the time, Clinton) he would "not cast a ballot for president for the first time in my life"

Now, here's where I take issue, besides the complete change despite any apparent change from McCain. Both times, Dobson implies, in the latest statement outright states, that besides the Democrats and Republicans, there are no alternatives. I realize third parties are a bit of a long shot, but I've been saying since I was old enough to be into politics that third parties are a long shot not because people don't agree with, or want to vote for a parties candidate more than a so called "major" candidate, but because they don't want to "waste their vote".

I am a registered Republican, I have been since I was old enough to vote, but only for local politics. Nationally, I have never voted major party, not for president, not for senate, the national GOP has become no better than the democrats. Do I waste my vote? Some would say yes, but let me ask you this:

Should you vote on the basis of fearing "the alternative" or agreeing with what you vote for? The "lesser of two evils" argument has grown old to me, as far as I see it, you're still voting for an "evil"

Dobson willfully adds to the political ignorance of the American public, and to the impression that all of the conservative "religious right" are a fickle, fearful bunch blindly following the GOP to protect them from the boogeyman. I don't like Obama at all, but I also dislike McCain. So, logically, being a sane person, I will pick a choice I do like, rather than hiding my head under the blankets and hoping that the monsters don't get me, as Dobson is apparently doing

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