Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Stepping away

As you may have seen, I've stepped back from blogging again, I'm working a few different directions, with actual work, helping on the farm with it being spring, and I've been working on teaching myself German, with the help of duolingo (check it out, it's pretty awesome), a podcast called coffee break german, and a friend of mine from work who patiently tolerates my questions.

In that vien, I've been thinking about, at some point, launching a new, more focused type of blog, focusing on language and EMS, learning to communicate and overcome language barriers in situations where interpretation is unavailable or until it becomes available. I'm thinking maybe some short videos with speakers of different languages, covering some yes or no type phrases, point to where it hurts kind of things to at least get a basic start of an assessment. It's purely in the thinking stage right now, but if I go with it, I'll link it here

Thats my non update for now

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Freedom vs Rights

There seems to be a lot of confusion these days about what freedom is, what rights are, and who grants them.

Let me attempt to explain, at least my perspective.

First, lets define some terms, that shouldn't need to be defined, but that we in "the land of the free" seem to have forgotten:

"the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint."

"the power of self-determination attributed to the will; the quality of being independent of fate or necessity." 


"Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory." 


"the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. "

Now, with these definitions in mind, lets look at the state of our current world around us.  Most everyone is all for their freedom, and for the liberty and rights of people, groups, causes and businesses they agree with.

But, many of those same people, given something they disagree with, suddenly want the mighty arm of the law and of government behind them. Tell them they cannot do something they wish to do, and they will scream loudly about this being America, the land of the free, and in the very next breath proclaim that those other people must be stopped

Now, don't get all excited folks, because this brush applies broadly, most, if not all are guilty of it.  Be it in favor of or against gun rights, homosexual rights, birth control, drug laws, gambling, or any other of the vast majority of social issues, we have made the government our moral compass, and then act chagrined when the monster we have created is used against us.

Freedom of a person or party, in the eyes of the law, does not mean you need to support it, it does not mean you are in favor of it, but it does mean, if you wish to be free to live your given life as you see fit, without unreasonable intrusion of government and regulation, that you need to allow others to do the same.

You cannot in one breath insist marriage is a religious institution, and in the next demand government define it, it is one or the other. I use this example because it is the glaring one before us currently, but this applies overall

We in this country are all about our rights and our freedoms, but not about those of the others ie anyone that does not see things our way.

This is a problem, and it runs counter to the mindset this country was founded on. No, not the "Christian nation" diatribe, but the free nation, free for any and all, granted, with some imperfections, growing pains, and road bumps along the way, but the basic, underyling principle: You are free to think, speak, believe, live, and do as you please, so long as those actions do not cause harm or an infringement of anothers rights to do the same.

Now, you may ask, given the current debate, isn't refusal of service an infringement of someones rights? No, and here's why.  If a group got together and ensured, through force of law, or other means of coercion, that group A could not be served in any business, then yes, that would be an issue to be addressed.  But if business or person B decides that he has an issue with group A, whatever that issue may be, and regardless of your belief on that issue, he has the right of freedom of association, and you have the right, if you disagree with that decision, to not spend your money there.

Now, some have compared the current view of Christian business owners not being forced to provide services at gay weddings to Jim Crow laws, there is a fundamental error in that view.

Jim Crow laws were legislation that mandated  segregation, meaning if a business chose to serve a group, in the case of jim crow laws, chose to be desegregated, they were in violation of the law.

There are no laws, and no rational person I know of, is arguing for laws mandating refusal of homosexual weddings.  If a business chooses to cater, photograph, etc etc, they are free to do so.  That is the distinction, Jim Crow laws were a forced discrimination, regardless of the individual business owners beliefs.

Another argument is that the laws, such as the one in Indiana, allow businesses to refuse to serve gay people.  First of all, unless you are being overtly lewd, it is really nobodies business, and I can't think of any business that would refuse to serve you, or require you to state your sexuality first. For the record, I believe that marriage is a sacred institution of the church, and that homosexuality is a sin, and I would choose to avoid any business that made such a choice. There is a distinct and important difference in refusing to take part in a ceremony you see as immoral, and refusing to serve someone lunch, or cut their hair, sell them a soda, etc, that seems lost on many.  The purpose of the RFPA laws (the first of which was pushed through with broad bipartisian support and signed by Bill Clinton) is to prevent people from being mandated from participating in an event they see as an affront to their religious beliefs.  This is something already protected in the constitution that should not need further laws.  It is not relevant if you support their beliefs, agree with their beliefs, they are free to choose, as you are.  Freedom means people can do things you view as wrong, even immoral, so long as those actions do not harm another

 You do not give up your humanity, your faith, your beliefs, when you open a business, we used to believe in the freedom of association in this country.

Let me perhaps explain another distinction.  As many of you know, I am an EMT and a volunteer firefighter.  Those claiming laws such as RFPA mean EMT's and Doctors, etc, can refuse to provide medical service to gay people, that is absurd.
From a personal standpoint, I really don't care what you do in your bedroom when I am called to treat you or to respond to a fire, and unless it is directly relevant to patient care, I'm not going to ask.  These laws mean someone must present proof that their personal beliefs would be compromised, meaning, say, refusing to take part in a homosexual wedding service, treating a gay man in no way burdens a persons faith, in fact, we are Biblically required to offer assistance free of judgement (I was hungry and you fed me...), legally required (Duty to act), and ethically required (First do no harm).

The government and the law exist to keep society safe, for the public defense and to provide needed services.  They do not exist to use as a cudgel to beat others into submission, to force acceptance of your particular beliefs, or to force your way of life on others.  I speak that equally to all sides, because all are guilty of trying to legislate morality, and it simply does not work, and is a multi edged weapon.  Remember, anytime you use the government to control another, that same control can, and likely will, be used against you. 


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Disturbing allegations of abuse, via Facebook

Edit/update 4/7/15 1655 EST: Story from WBNG

Edit/Update 4/4/15 1803 EST: I earlier hid this post as the original post was hidden on Facebook.  Not knowing details and wanting to respect her privacy if she removed the post for whatever reason, I placed the post as hidden.  Her post is now back up with this addition "PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT INDIVIDUALS LISTED WITH THREATENING OR HARASSING WORDS OR ACTIONS!!!!!" (Caps hers) Remember, the goal here is an investigation and getting to the truth of the matter, please do not muddy the waters with threats or harrasment
 ******************original posting below*************************** 

Today, while scrolling my Facebook news feed, a disturbing post popped up.  If the allegations in this post are in any way true, this is a disturbing problem. IF these allegations are in any way true, then the school district should be fully cooperating with the investigation, while, from this post they are attempting to cover.  Now, please understand, this is not in my direct local area, and I know none of the parties involved.  I have sent a message to WBNG to see if they have received any further information re this story. I will update if I find any further information, and I ask any of you, if you find any further information, please share, by our powers combined, let us get to the truth of these disturbing allegations

Please note, posted below is a direct quote from the Facebook post, and are not my words:

"PLEASE SHARE! I would like to ask my friends to please share and support us at this time. I am not going to stand silent anymore. On Tuesday, March 17th, my son, Tommy suffered an attack by his math teacher at Tioga Hills Elementary School in the Vestal School District. As many of you know, my 10 year old, fourth grade son, Tommy has been through many ear surgeries over the past years, resulting in a significant hearing loss in his left ear. He has a 504 Plan in place at school due to his disability. The plan specifies that he have preferential seating in the front of the room with his right ear, his “good” ear towards the teacher. This plan has been in place over 2 years. It came to our attention that during this math teacher’s class, Tommy is seated near the back of the classroom with his impaired ear in the direction of the math teacher. During CSE meetings the hearing specialist from the school noted that Tom cannot hear in this position. Tommy and students in the classroom testify that on Tuesday, March 17th Mrs. P was working on a math problem at the front of the room and hesitating with an answer. Tommy blurted out, “the answer is..” giving the answer out of turn. From what students have testified, Mrs. P screamed, “GET OUT!!!!” Tommy said he was startled and wasn’t sure if she was talking to him. She came directly behind him, dragged and lifted him up from his chair, pulled him by his right arm to the door and pushed him out into the hallway with both hands while screaming, “GET OUT!!!” She then slammed the door, causing the teacher from the next door classroom to come out into the hallway to see what was going on. Parents reported to me, that students still in the classroom sat there stunned. My son was hurting, shocked, and terrified what just happened to him. When Tommy came home that day, I checked with parents of students in the class to see what they would say happened. They all told the same scenario that Tom relayed of the events. Tommy complained of shoulder pain and his shoulder was making very loud popping sounds. Concerned that the teacher had injured his shoulder, I took him to Lourdes Hospital Emergency Room. X-rays and the Dr. confirmed that due to the attack on Tommy from this teacher, he suffered a third degree separation (Closed dislocation) of his Acromioclavicular Joint with significant scapular winging. At that time the hospital social worker said as a mandated reporter she must call Child Protective Services for an investigation of the case. Our family was devastated. Expecting to hear from Vestal School District regarding their concern for Tom’s health and well being we waited and waited thinking we would be contacted by someone from the district. Up to this point, no explanation or even acknowledgement of the incident has been made on the part of the school. The State Police investigator has informed us that the school district has blocked him from contacting individuals, students, and has retained legal counsel for Mrs. Pokarak. Again, to this day she refuses to speak to the investigator regarding her brutal attack on my son. Now, the Tioga County District Attorney, Eric Gartenman, is refusing to speak with our attorney regarding this incident. We are left confused and without resolution or answers as to why. When speaking with the investigating officer, he stated that Mr. Gartenman felt that Mrs. Pokarak was justified in injuring my son due to his “talking in class.” The investigator stated that Tommy wasn’t out of control, disrespectful to the teacher or others..he was “talking.” When we explained that he MUST be seated toward the front of the room with his good ear facing the teacher (according to his 504 plan) Tommy said he truly didn’t hear the teacher from where he was placed in the classroom if she had asked him to be quiet. Why couldn’t she ask him to leave the class, why the brutal attack that resulted in a dislocation? What kind of force and anger causes this action and injury? Why is this okay? And WHY are there so many questions left unanswered?! My son is now experiencing both physical and emotional trauma due to this assault. He is afraid to be in school, afraid of another attack. If not on my son..who will be next? Our elected officials are doing NOTHING!! So, when you think your kids are safe at school, think again. It is with a heavy heart that I post this and ask for support, because I am a teacher and can’t even imagine EVER harming one of my students. Please, please help us get the word out regarding this cover up by Vestal School District and Eric Gartenman and ask for justice on behalf of my son. Keep all of our children safe. Please “Share” in hopes we migh get some help and resolution and prevent this from happening to someone else’s child. Thank you so much- Sharon and Frank Russo
Tioga County D.A.- Eric Gartenman’s # (607) 687-8650
Vestal Schools Superintendent- Mr. Mark LaRoach (607)757-2227
Tioga Hills Elementary School Principal- (607) 757-2366"

Original Post and image source here

Shared in its entirety in the hopes of getting to the truth of the story, and I will update this post with any further details I find. My knee jerk reaction is anger, as I think it is for any of you, but lets hold off on the pitchforks until we have some more details.  If this proves true, I hope this teacher never steps foot in a classroom again, but, until then, I have no desire to demolish an innocent persons reputation further than necessary to conduct a proper investigation.