Tuesday, January 31, 2017

On Starbucks, refugees, and veterans

*Quick housekeeping note: I've gone pretty radio silent on here, I know, I'm sorry. Basically been working full time, still farming with my dad, in the process of buying a house, and other general life events, blog has kinda landed on the back burner. There's definitely much to comment on, just haven't had much free time. That said, blog below*

Starbucks Outrage!

Starbucks has recently announced that it will hire 10k refugees. Apparently, this is terrible and worthy of outrage. People who don't understand how to use google or have a poor grasp of facts are livid, declaring that Starbucks should instead be hiring veterans, and are declaring a boycott of the company. I mean, the coffee is terrible and overpriced, sure, full disclosure, I haven't darkened the door of a Starbucks in a very long time, unless I'm driving and that is the only coffee available...but I digress...

First of all, the refugees vs veterans thing, this is an emotional argument, and uses veterans as a political and partisan pawn, as a veteran, this bugs me, immensely. Yes, there are veterans in need, yes we need to give our VA system some serious attention, that's another matter for another post. But to say we cannot help one group in need because there's also this other group in need is absurd, we are capable of helping both, we have a moral duty to help both. As a veteran, I refuse to allow the dismissal of refugee needs solely because veterans also need help.

Now, as to Starbucks itself. If you even do a cursory search on Google, you will see quickly that the company does quite alot for veterans.  First, from Starbucks itself. And here's a Starbucks press release from 2015. And an entire "news room" dedicated entirely to veteran experiences with Starbucks.

But that is all media published by the company right? Not good enough? OK...Here's a November 2016 interview with Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz on what they are doing to help veterans. And beyond just employing them, Starbucks gives Veteran employees, thier spouses, and children, full tuition among many other benefits. Here's another story on military.com about the companies outreach to veterans and military families

I could list link after link after link. If you don't like Starbucks, that's fine. As I've said, I don't think much of their coffee. But if you are going to boycott them to "help veterans" you're, well, an idiot. The facts are, they committed in 2013 to hire 10k veterans, and have hired thousands. They pay full tuition for veterans and families. They donate coffee to deployed service members. They help veterans and veterans causes immensely. This veteran hates their coffee, but supports the company. Make your choice, but for goodness sake, at least try to inform yourself. It's not hard, you have zero excuse. It really is possible for a company to hire both veterans and refugees, and frankly, it's refreshing to see a large company that is actually striving to help people. I don't agree with all of their politics, but you know what? Let's not look for things to be outraged over where there is not only zero cause, but in fact, the very opposite of what you think. Starbucks *does* hire veterans,as well as military spouses, actively recruits them, and actively helps it's current veteran and military employees improve their lives.

Your bs alternative facts have no power here