Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm back

so, I've kinda allowed this here blog to die of neglect due to many reason's, mainly just sheer business, but I'm going to attempt to post things again, I am currently a college student again, going for my associates degree in emergency medicine as well as my paramedic certification. Also an active volunteer down at the fire department, but will do my best to update random musings on here

why facebooks new groups suck

Group chat, if you are in a group, new group that is, ie any group created since they changed it, you have a group chat, appearing in your chat bar, everytime anyone in the group chats, it appears as a new chat in your chat bar, close it and someone says something, it pops up again, only way to get rid of it is to go offline entirely..what if I only want to have certain groups up, or none at all? what if I want to be online to talk to friends, but don't want to deal with my group chat windows, or only see certain ones??

"To leave a group chat, simply go offline. You can also minimize the Chat window and it will just stay in the bottom bar."

simply go offline? Facebook, you are retarded, that's like telling me to turn off my main circuit breaker because I want one light off

My other main issue, friends can add me to a group, and it's on me to remove myself if I dont want to be in that group...because being able to invite me to retarded groups wasn't annoying enough, now they can just add me to any group they please and it's on me to remove myself? Was it to hard to accept invitations that interested me or to seek out groups I was interested in? not cool facebook

"The functionality of approving a group membership is not available. Similar to being tagged in a photo, you can only be added to a group by one of your friends. When a friend adds you to a group, a story in the group (and in News Feed for Open or Closed groups) will indicate that your friend has added you to a group.

Please keep in mind:

* Only your friends can add you to groups.
* When a friend adds you to a group, you'll get a notification right away.
* You can leave a group anytime. To do so, just go to the group page and click "Leave Group" in the right-hand column. Once you leave a group, you can't be added by anyone else unless you explicitly request to be re-added."