Thursday, August 20, 2009

still alive

So, I haven't updated this thing in a while, kinda let it slide and forgot about it really, but I was just thinking the other day I should do some blogging again, like besides just facebook, so I figured I'd pop my head back in. This summer has been pretty busy, trying to get hay in on the farm between endless raindrops, taking an EMT course (just finished that, should have my card in a few weeks) and general fire department and Church related stuff have caused my summer to fly by pretty quickly. Now, plans for this blog, I realize random posts at random times doesn't do to much to get loyal readers, but I do so love the random rabbit trails. I do promise to make an attempt at something a tad bit more regular, should anyone actually happen to read this and be interested. Any ideas, questions, comments, gripes, general thoughts, feel free to leave them